professional artistic designs and art from Stephan Seable
Beautiful fine art, art prints, artistic sculptures and other art for sale or rent from master artist Stephan Seable 
Salt Lake Temple Plaques, The stick s of Joseph and Judah. Relief Sculpture


Medium: Bronze

These bronze plaques were commissioned by the LDS Church, and were placed in the "new"Annex of the Salt Lake Temple in 1964. They represent the old and the new world in relief, showing the scrolls of Bible in the old world, and the plates and the book of Mormon in the new world. The inspiration for the design of the plaques came from the 37th chapter of Ezekiel where it speaks of the sticks, of Joseph and Judah that would "become one in thine hand". The Bible is written by and is a history of the Jews (the stick of Judah), and the stick of Joseph whose branches would run over the wall - were the descendants of Joseph through Lehi and Nephi in the new world. I own the molds for these plaques.

This was the first of many dozens of relief sculptures and plaques in bronze that I produced over the years.. Grave markers,building dedication, Memorial plaques, and awards I have created.

  • height - 36 inches
  • width - 38 inches

unique - bronze castings - awards and plaques

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