g a l l e r y
a r t t y p e s
h o m e
t h e m e s
a r t r e n t a l
s o l d a r c h i v e
a b o u t
f a q s
t e s t i m o n i a l s
c o n t a c t
5 4 1 . 7 6 1 . 8 5 7 5
Airplane spin #1, ballet adagio
Medium: Bronze
If you love dance, you will enjoy the “adagio ballet” series created by Stephan Seable. During his high school and college years, in the 50s, he danced with a vaudeville troupe sponsored by the Oregonian newspaper traveling over the Northwest. They toured the Oregon coast and Eastern Oregon in alternate years. The dance team “Steve and Shirley” performed professionally and he and his partner were often featured on Portland television during the mid-50s.. He later passed his skills on to Students at BYU, Young Ambassadors, and Ballroom Dance teams who use many moves that he passed on today.
Stephan’s sculpture of the dance is unique. With his experience and knowledge of anatomy, and of the grace and beauty required in the dance his figures come alive. In the adagio, a strong male partner presents the female with a seemingly effortless grace and ease in a series of poses or pictures. The figures of necessity are created in bronze because of its great tensile strength. This strength allows the drama of the dance is frozen in time and space, demonstrated by the arabesque with the entire sculpture supported on the toe.
The Airplane Spin is a complicated adagio move. This sculpture is the first of the adagio series I have created and was the inspiration for the rest of the group. The rhythm and movement are a feast for the eyes. Side-lighted shadows create whole new contours as well as each slight movement the viewer makes. Dance is the noblest expression of the human form and ballet adagio's ultimate aesthetic expression. This piece is One of a kind, with no mold or castings.
height -
12 inches
width -
12 inches
##bronze dance,##ballet adagio, ##sculptures of dance
price: $ 3550. U.S. dollars
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NW Sculpture Magazine Article
Adagio Ballet group by S T Seable
one arm lift, Steve and Shirley
ballet adagio sculpture - bronze dance figure - love the dance
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